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roll angle 傾斜角。

roll bar

The nonlinear decoupling method applied on full , hi - fidelity aircraft analysis model was unprecedented , many technique , such as disassemble - design , assemble - apply , multi - grade decoupling , were used so that the nonlinear decoupling method can be used on such a complex model . the successful design of a roll angle and overload decoupling controller show that the nonlinear decoupling is a feasible method for engineering application 非線性解耦方法在高真實度的完整飛機系統分析模型上的應用在國內尚屬,文中采用分解設計、組合應用、多級解耦控制結構等方法,解決了非線性解耦方法難于應用于復雜系統的問題,成功地設計了滾轉角及過載解耦控制器,達到了較好的控制效果,為工程設計提供了新的途徑。

The monitoring system of the controlled passively anti - rolling tank model performance takes charge of control and regular service of anti - rolling tank . accomplishing the hardware design and software programmed of tank control , data acquisition , we process the model test of the controlled passively anti - rolling tank . according to signals of the roll angle and water level , the control system output signals to open or close the valves , and achieve some stabilized effects 本文系統地介紹了可控被動式減搖水艙監控系統的硬件設計和水艙控制、數據采集軟件程序實現工作,然后進行了可控被動式減搖水艙進行了模型試驗,根據橫搖角度和邊艙液位的信號變化來控制氣閥的開啟和關閉,取得了一定的減搖效果。

For the dynamic process of ship rolling movement , this paper analyses its dynamic date with time series analysis method and brings up this system ' s the most excellent autoregressive model ( ar model ) according to least aic criterion ( akaile , information criterion ) . it reveals the regular pattern of ship rolling movement and forecasts the future value of roll angle and pitch angle , then transforms it to adjusting value of object and adjusting it according to appropriate control rules 對于船舶搖蕩運動這一動態過程,采用時間序列分析的方法,建立系統的自回歸模型( ar模型) ,并根據最小aic信息量判定準則保證建立的系統模型為最優化模型。利用參數模型的方式對船舶橫搖、縱搖運動的動態數據進行分析處理,揭示船舶搖蕩運動的規律,預測船舶橫搖角、縱搖角的未來值。

In the light of the signals of roll angle and water level , we can control the air valve , and use this control method to simulate the controlled passively anti - rolling tank . simulation results indicate that this control strategy is feasible . the controlled passively anti - rolling tank can work in the wide frequency range 控制策略是根據橫搖角度和邊艙液位信號的變化來對氣閥進行控制,采用這種控制策略對可控被動式減搖水艙進行了仿真研究,結果表明所控制策略是行之有效的,可控被動式減搖水艙能在更寬的頻率范圍內達到較好的減搖效果。

The effects of pitch angle , rolling angle , pad velocity , rotation speed and standard nominal clearance on load and moments were obtained by analyzing the numerical results , and the effects of external load , external moments ( x - axis and y - axis ) , rotation speed and pad velocity on fluid pressure distribution , on tilt angles , azimuth angle and standard nominal clearance are further studied . the reason for the existence of negative pressure in ctp and its effect on the polishing result was discussed . it is proved that ctp can achieve the best 通過對仿真結果的分析,給出了工件傾角、轉角、拋光速率、角速度及中心膜厚等主要研拋參數變化時工件的承載能力變化,也即壓力積分載荷、壓力轉矩的變化;分析了外加載荷、 x / y軸轉矩、拋光速率、角速度變化對加工過程中工件偏轉角、方位角及中心膜厚的影響;討論了全膜接觸模型中負壓產生的原因及對研拋結果的影響。

This paper applies ittc single - parameter ocean wave spectrum to simulate a random long - crested ocean wave according to statistics superposition theory and real - time simulate disturbance on the ship by random wave . it simulates roll and pitch of the ship in random wave in the time domain and gains roll angle ( t ) and pitch angle ( t ) signal of ship rolling movement 本文根據統計疊加理論,采用ittc單參數標準海浪譜仿真模擬實際的長峰波隨機海浪,進而實時仿真長峰波隨機海浪對船舶的隨機擾動,對船舶在海浪中的橫搖和縱搖運動進行了時域仿真,得到船舶搖蕩運動的橫搖角信號( t )和縱搖角信號( t ) 。

But the influence trend of the maximum rolling angle and the rolling period was not so simple , it was because the influence of which embodied in the phase relationship of mass flow and the pressure drop across the tube . the d - partition method was developed to separate the test tube into four regions and the drift flow model was imported into the two phase region , based on which the solution of the response of the pressure drop of tested tube to the inlet mass flow perturbation can be obtained 在不搖擺和搖擺工況下,采用d分區法對實驗段進行分區,在兩相區采用漂移流模型對實驗段的壓降對入口流速擾動的響應進行了求解,給出了各區壓降響應的表達式,進而得到了在不搖擺和搖擺工況下,壓降與入口流速擾動之間的傳遞函數。

It has been proved that this kind of tank is applicable of multifold boats , which not only reduces the roll angle and the heel angle , but also improves the efficient and fall the transport cost . the controlled passively anti - rolling tank can elevate the comfort and safe of the boats 實踐表明,該水艙適用于多種類型船舶,不僅能減小船舶在波浪中的橫搖和抵抗靜傾角,還可以提高裝卸效率,減少運輸成本,為改善船舶的舒適性和安全性開辟了有效途徑。

On the basis of cybernetics through forecast roll and pitch of a ship and by adjusting the object ' s space position and keep its horizontal state without limit of actual sea state according to the control rules with the predictive value of ship ' s roll angle and pitch angle 應用控制理論通過預測隨機海浪擾動下船舶的橫搖、縱搖運動的搖角值,按照所設計的控制規律實現在不受實際海況限制的情況下調整船上物體的空間位置,使此物體保持水平狀態的目的。

The paper designed aerodynamic control system of pith and yaw channels and roll angle stabilization system , by using unsteady - state error follow - up control theory and state observation station theory in modern control theory 本文使用現代控制理論中的無靜差跟蹤控制系統理論與狀態觀測器理論,設計了俯仰、偏航兩個通道的氣動力控制系統和滾轉角穩定系統。

The available maximum rolling angle of the platform is 30 and in the experiment the maximum rolling angle 10 , 15 , 20 was chosen . the rolling period of the platform is selected with 5 second , 7 . 5 second and 10 second 實驗中選定最大搖擺角度為10 、 15和20 ,搖擺周期為5秒、 7 . 5秒以及10秒,以及一些分離周期值。

The rudder roll damping system is just the system whose controlled object is not square matrix . the input is rudder - order and the outputs are the roll angle and the heading angle . the input controls the two outputs 舵阻搖系統正是被控對象為非方陣的系統,它通過輸入_ r (舵令)來控制輸出(橫搖角)和(首向角) 。

Because of the change of ship attitude ( rolling angle r , pitch angle p and course angle h ) led by ship rocked interference and windage , the los stabilization will be influenced obviously 由于艦船的艏搖、縱搖、橫搖等引起艦船姿態的變化以及風阻力矩的作用,對跟蹤系統的視軸穩定性產生明顯影響。

The results show that the ass can effectively reduce the roll angle and roll angle acceleration in non - linear driving and improve the side tumbling stability 模擬分析得到主動懸架系統使得汽車在彎道行駛時的側傾角有效值下降了92 . 8 % ,側傾角加速度有效值下降了78 . 2 % ,側翻因子有效值下降了92 . 6 % 。

The weapons will be animated by the engine based on the pitch / yaw / roll angles 武器的俯仰、自旋、翻轉是基于運動引擎實現的。

Factors of body roll angles correspond to vehicle steady steering characteristics 車輛穩態轉向特性中車身側傾角的影響因素

Hot - rolled angles are classified as equal and unequal angles 國產熱軋角鋼分為等邊與不等邊兩類。

The roll angle is constrained by the control system . 滾動角度是由控制系統來限制的。